Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities

  • To Teach Turkish to Turks Abroad, Turkic Republic citizens and foreigners, teach Turkish abroad and domestically make efforts in this regard, to support, develop and provide the opportunity to publish, carry out cooperation and coordination with the relevant national and international institutions and organizations.
  • To provide an internship,  issue certificates to students in Department Turcology of universities abroad and in Turkey, Turkish Language and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature Teaching, Modern Turkish Languages and Literature, Folklore, Linguistics and Foreign Languages Department for final year students and graduates to edit application programs for professional experience ,
  • To carry out joint education, research, application and publication activities by working on the teaching of Turkish and foreign languages with relevant public institutions and organizations within the framework of international bilateral agreements,
  • To organizeseminars, courses and meetings to encourage research and practices to announce the researches related to the teaching of Turkish and foreign languages and the promotion of Turkish culture,
  • To prepare teaching tools for Turkish and foreign language teaching; to publish books, magazines, bulletins, reports, projects, brochures, to open promotion desks by participating in various fairs in Turkey and abroad for this purpose,
  • To prepare distance education programs and exams in order to popularize Turkish and foreign language teaching, to cooperate with various universities and language centers abroad, to exchange students and lecturers and to share educational tools,
  • To organize language exams in line with the requests of institutions and organizations,
  • To organize social and cultural activities in order to enable foreign students learning Turkish at SDÜTÖMER to meet and mix with Turkish students,
  • Organizing joint projects with Turks  Abroad and Turkic Republics,
  • To organize language exams and language proficiency exams at home and abroad,
  • Organizing and participating in other activities suitable for the purpose of the center.